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Cute little game!  Maybe 15 minutes of playtime in here.  There are a couple of situations where the character catches on blocks unexpectedly, but not bad.  

I love the wind-up mechanic at the beginning of each level.  The circular movement you have to make with the arrow keys feels "windy" and I can see how it would feel even more like that on a d-pad!  I love it!

I feel like you could incorporate that as a timer or something.  Maybe you can run out of time and the toy loses power and either have the player wind the toy back up or restart the level.

Character feels slightly floaty and slow to me.  Not bad, but I think it could be sped up to feel a little better.  

That and more levels and you've got a great game!  I mean, it *is* a great game already.  But a great full-length game.  For a 24 hour jam, this is fantastic.  

Artwork, animation, music and sound are all really, really good!  Great job!